Horsetooth Big Johnsons Big Blue Butternuts of Amulet, colorado whippet


Horsetooth Big Johnson’s Blue Butternuts of Amulet, RN, OTR Pointed, SR Pointed

Amulet Moving Violation   X   Amulet All That Glitters O' Pinerun


D.O.B.: 07/14/2011
AKC #:  HP41251103 / NAWRA #:  5195 / NOTRA #:  5552

The degree to which Johnson has delighted us cannot be overstated.  Originally, we were attracted to Johnson's rather rare markings.  He is a blue fawn with a blue mask which is an uncommon and relatively unfavored color combination in the show world. But we love it.  And Johnson grew into a beautiful dog.  He is an excellent representation of the whippet form.

Johnson is a truly delightful dog.  He is the ultimate example of a laid back, go-with-the-flow hound dog.  He shows no inclination to lead.  Johnson is happy follower.  Johnson looks at the world with innocent, child-like wonder, but at the core he believes the world
is benign.  The result is  that all the other dogs in the house really like Johnson.

With us, he is the consummate snuggler.  Johnson openly solicits tenderness, his favored method being to put his elbows up on our laps and lean his head and body into us.  When hugged and scratched he closes his eyes in an expression of extreme contentedness and
pleasure and soaks it in for as long as we care to dish it out.  He makes us feel as though our love for him is truly a special gift and that makes us feel good.  

On the flip side of his personality, Johnson is crazy for the lure. His zeal when running speaks to the European racing lines in his pedigree, and he never ceases to amaze us with his level of enthusiasm for running.

Johnson has always been quite open minded to what the world has for him in terms in fun.  He enjoys romping and rough housing with the other dogs.  If the other dogs seem to enjoy meeting a new person, he will join in.  If there is tug-of war, he will join-in.  If it is time to do obedience work, that is good.  Joining in is his specialty. He loves toys and not above trying to pilfer and collect them, a relatively mild vice.  

Overall, Johnson has been an utterly predictable dog.  His responses to situations are highly consistent.  He is calm and steady and fun-loving.  He is a truly easy dog to be around.