Whisperun Enchanted Tim, colorado whippet


Forever in our hearts.

Whisperun Enchanted Tim, SC, RN, SR, OTR, AKC Major Pointed

Whisperun Solitaire X Chemir's for Your Eyes Only


12/16/2006 to 12/04/2019
AKC #:  HP24098503 // NAWRA #: 3829 // NOTRA #: 5259

Timmy represented the quintessential whippet personality, possessing the striking dichotomy that only a whippet can. On one hand, Timmy was the ultimate couch potato, a true creature of comfort. He wanted to be inside, and when he was inside, he wanted to be on the most comfortable couch or bed he could find.

When he found his spot, he was likely to stay there for hours looking supremely contented. In the car, he always rode in his own special spot. He had a special bed with extra padding in his crate that he snuggled down into like a nest. In the winter, Timmy loved wearing his jacket and would come asking for it if he was chilly. And he had the ability to pull covers over himself when he was cold, which we found funny to watch.

But when it came to running or racing, Timmy showed his other side. Comfort or not, when it was time to run Timmy was always ready. His true love was running. He needed little excuse to go full out and when he did, the joy was written all over his face and body language.

The first time Timmy was introduced to the lure, he wasn't very fast because he was having so much fun he would break his stride and begin bounding up and down like the amorous cartoon skunk "Pepe LePeu" because of the uncontained joy he felt running in the open.

True to the breed, Timmy had an inherent understanding of the lure. Whether it was a plastic bag or a squeaking fuzzy toy on the line, if it went, Timmy wanted it…badly. He was a dog who reared and lunged on his leash to get to the lure whether it was his race or not. He didn't worry about the other dogs in the race as he was not particularly competitive. He was driven to the lure and to run for the love of it.

Also true to the breed, Timmy was a particularly sweet dog. He avoided getting into any dominance contests within the pack, never having shown any interest to be alpha. He liked all the other dogs and didn't seem to form particular allegiances.

He was a bit soft and sensitive, didn't like to be scolded - but didn't give us much need. On the other hand, he delighted in being praised. We did it often since he enjoyed it so much. Timmy had an excellent sense of humor and was prone to act goofy, to trot around in a goofy gait when he was in a playful mood because he knew it made us laugh. He seemed to laugh too.

When excited, Timmy would get “the zippies” where he tucked his butt and tried running tight little circles like a whirling dervish.

We called him “Timmy Two Guns” because Timmy had no control over the direction or distance in which he urinated. One could be in a spot seemingly safe from the line of fire, only to get fouled. He yellowed many a whippet head in his day. He was more lethal than Dirty Harry.

Timmy was also a boxer. If there was excitement, enthusiastic play or reunions, Timmy would inevitably rear on his back legs and pummel us all with his front feet. Although we shouldn't have encouraged this, he only did it out of happiness and we got good at catching him and keeping ourselves out of harms way and just give him a hug instead.

We’ve never had a dog that enjoyed a hug more than Timmy. While Timmy got his hugs, he would tip his chin to the sky and rocks his head side to side in a manner highly reminiscent of a crooning Stevie Wonder. Yes, Timmy was a hoot!