This Contract and Bill of Sale was provided by Horsetooth Whippets.

This agreement is made and entered into this day, (enter date you receive puppy and/or complete your payment in the box at bottom) by and between Ken Shiarella, VMD, and Jennifer Hime of Horsetooth Whippets (Seller), and the Buyer (enter your name in the box below) for the purpose of setting forth the terms and conditions of purchase by the Buyer of a purebred Whippet from the litter whelped on 06/15/2024 by Whisperun CC Baxter at Horsetooth, CGC, TKN, and out of Horsetooth Brie de Meaux, RN, CGC, TKN.

The litter registration number is: HP707356

For $2500, plus any additional applicable transportation cost, the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase a companion puppy from the litter described above subject to the following terms.

1. Seller warrants that the above described puppy/dog is a purebred Whippet registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and that registration papers will be provided to the Buyer.

2. Seller warrants that the above-described puppy/dog is in good health at the time Buyer assumes ownership. Buyer agrees to have the puppy examined by a licensed Veterinarian within three (3) days (not including weekends and holidays) of receipt of puppy/dog.

 If, as a result of the examination, the Veterinarian determines that the puppy/dog is not in good health then the Buyer shall elect to keep the puppy/dog or return the puppy/dog to the Seller for a refund. If the buyer elects to return the puppy, Buyer shall, within 10 days after the date of the signing of this contract, send to Seller by certified mail a written Veterinarian's certificate stating that the puppy/dog was in ill health when examined. Upon receipt by Seller of said certificate, Buyer shall be obligated to return the puppy/dog to Seller at Buyers expense. Upon receipt of the puppy/dog, the Seller shall be obligated to refund all monies received from Buyer toward the purchase price of the puppy/dog, and further performance under this contract shall be null and void. All action taken to return the puppy/dog shall be done with the best interest of the puppy/dog in mind.

3. The above Whippet is being purchased as a companion animal [pet], and not for breeding purposes, unless otherwise agreed upon by Buyer and Seller. The Buyer agrees that if they are having this puppy spayed/neutered the procedure will not be before the age of 12 months without written permission of the seller. Verification of spay/neuter must be sent to the Seller from a certified veterinarian written on his/ her letterhead.

For information on the hazards of early spay and neuter in the whippet or other canine athletes, visit the following websites:

4. Puppy/dog will be registered under the Horsetooth Kennel prefix and including the Litter Theme Name by the Seller. Registration will be transferred to the buyer upon completion of AKC paperwork.

5. If at any time the Buyer can no longer retain possession of this dog, the Seller must be notified and given FIRST OPTION of resuming full ownership. The dog will be returned with the AKC papers and any medical records.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is the dog to be placed in a pet shop, rescue, animal shelter, or similar establishment, or advertised for sale online or otherwise.

6. Buyer agrees that he/she is not acting as an agent in the purchase or this puppy/dog and that Buyer will not sell this puppy/dog or its progeny to any agent or pet store.

7. Buyer agrees that the puppy/dog will reside at the home of the Buyer, have access to a fenced yard, not be chained or tethered, and will be provided with proper housing, a good quality diet, annual vaccinations, heartworm checks and preventative as needed, and appropriate mental & physical exercise. Buyer agrees that at least one basic obedience training course will be completed with the puppy/dog.

8. Buyer agrees that the Seller may repossess the dog upon evidence of neglect or abuse at no expense to the Seller and no refund of monies. This includes dogs who become grossly obese, or grossly underweight. Whippets who are not maintained at an optimal weight will have health issues later in life. The ideal weight (3 vertebra showing, and an observable waistline) is vital for your dog to thrive into old age.

This Agreement is made by both parties to insure the well being and protection of this puppy/dog.