There are no words to express the joy our early whippets brought us. They taught us as much as we taught them - about the amazing whippet personalities and temperaments of the breed: their toughness, their elegance, their goofiness, and their intelligence.
We learned together - in the show and obedience rings, and on the field.
They will forever hold our hearts.
Horsetooth Elizabeth Q. Linguini, RN, BN, SR Pointed
Hasue Can’t Stop the Reign x Whipcat Joint Venture
03/01/2007 to 05/09/2020
Forever in our hearts.
Horsetooth Penelope Pogostick, JC, RN, SR, OTR, AKC Pointed
Nobel Acres Lightening Dash x Zero
03/22/2007 - 11/17/2022
Forever in our hearts.
Ch. Lakewoods Blue Velvet, JC, RN, CGC, SR Pointed
Ch. Delacreme Southern Reign x Ch. Longlesson French Hen
12/14/2008 to 07/06/2022
Forever in our hearts.
Stillwater Wicked Blue Polliwog, RN
Stillwater Nothn But Blue Skys x Stillwater Touissant
09/07/2009 to 12/16/2021
Forever in our hearts.
Horsetooth Lychee Berry, RN, OTR, CGC, SR Pointed
Whisperun Enchanted Tim, SC, RN, SR, OTR x Horsetooth Penelope Pogostick, JC, RN, SR, OTR
Retired 2019.
Horsetooth Spicy Duck, RN, OTR Pointed, SR Pointed
Stillwater Whisper Jet, RN, OTR x Stillwater Wicked Blue Polliwog, RN
Retired 2017.
Horsetooth The Matrix’s Trinity, RN
Horsetooth Big Johnson’s Blue Butternuts of Amulet, RN x Stillwater Wicked Blue Polliwog, RN
Retired 2020.
Horsetooth Mason Dots, RN, CGC, TKN
Whisperun Enchanted Tim, SC, RN, SR, OTR x Horsetooth Penelope Pogostick, JC, RN, SR, OTR
Retired 2023.
Horsetooth Theodora, RN, CGC
Stillwater Whisper Jet, RN, OTR x Ch. Lakewoods Blue Velvet, JC, RN, CGC
Retired 2023.